Informing communities. Informing policy.
DUST^2 Scientist Spotlights
Check out Scientist Spotlights from our DUST^2 participants!
Members of the Cluster are often sought out as subject matter experts in our areas of study. These efforts often contribute to the development of environmental policy in the communities where we live.
Check out Scientist Spotlights from our DUST^2 participants!
"Climate change, population growth, water diversions -- all those are acting together."
Ongoing efforts to raise awareness about the impacts of the shrinking Great Salt Lake.
"It’s like a bathtub, or a toilet bowl, with no drain."
Highlighting the increasing public health risks from the shrinking Great Salt Lake
“When we looked at the impact of that dust on snowmelt, we got accelerated snowbelt by 17 days."
When the snow melts faster that impacts the runoff forecast which is critical for understanding how much water will end up in the reservoirs.