We have created templates for manual field measurements and sensor calibrations. Base templates for sample collection were created and are in the process of being customized for different sample media and to standard requirements, guidelines and controlled vocabulary of select data repositories (EarthChem, HydroShare, ORNL-DAAC). Data is currently being stored on local computers, personal and organizational cloud services (Google Drive) and in Google Shared Drives and shared between researchers in Shared Drives. We have adopted existing standard operating procedures and data collection protocols for survey and geomorphological data from the Virginia Coast Reserve LTER (https://portal.lternet.edu/) and for hydrological data from the Delaware Geological Survey (https://www.dgs.udel.edu/publications/ofr51-groundwater-monitoring-procedures-part-1-equipment-and-procedures-manual-and).
To reduce redundancy of large, post-processed, hydrological time-series datasets between individual researchers, we are using the Google Drive and Collaboratory applications to perform data processing and validation steps before being stored in a database. Backups of certain data are stored locally. We will also be using the data submission portal created by the CZ Hub.