Calhoun Observatory Publications

Category - Lead Paragraph Text Example

2022 Publications

Lybrand, Rebecca A.; Odeta Qafoku; Mark E. Bowden; Michael F. Hochella, Jr.; Libor Kovarik; Daniel E. Perea; Nikolla Qafoku; Paul A. Schroeder; Mark G. Wirth, & Dragos G. Zaharescu. 2022. Sci Rep. 12, 3407.

Legacy of anthropogenic lead in urban soils: Co-occurrence with metal(loid)s and fallout radionuclides, isotopic fingerprinting, and in vitro bioaccessibility

Zhen, W., A.M. Wade, D.D. Richter, H.M. Stapleton, J.M. Kaste, A. Vengosh. 2022. Science of the Total Environment. 806(3), 151276. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.151276