Postdoctoral Scientist Position at the Landscape Evolution Observatory

CZNet Coordinating HubCZNet Coordinating Hub

Posted: March 12, 2025

Postdoctoral Scientist Position at the Landscape Evolution Observatory

University of Arizona is seeking a motivated and energetic postdoctoral scientist to join a team of geochemists and hydrologists on their newly funded National Science Foundation Project entitled “Collaborative Research: Concentration -Ratio -Discharge (C-R-Q) Relationships of Transient Water-Age Distributions”. The research team will combine measurements of isotopic tracers of mineral-water interaction with well-constrained hydrologic transit time distributions to develop a reactive transport model of basalt weathering reactions at the hillslope scale. Specifically, they will pair silicon isotopes (δ30Si) and germanium-silicon ratios (Ge/Si), which are each uniquely sensitive to the rate and nature of secondary mineral formation in weathering systems, to unmask the balance of secondary precipitation reactions contributing to C-Q observations through expansion to a C-R-Q (concentration –isotope/element ratio –discharge) framework. The research will be conducted using the unique Landscape Evolution Observatory (LEO) facility, which is a replicated set of three highly-instrumented convergent, basaltic hillslopes constructed within the University of Arizona’s Biosphere 2.

To learn more and see instructions to apply, click here.