Opening for Geochemical Field And Modeling Postdoctoral Scholar

CZNet Coordinating HubCZNet Coordinating Hub

Posted: March 12, 2025

Opening for Geochemical Field And Modeling Postdoctoral Scholar

Lawrence Berkeley National Lab’s (LBNL) Energy Geosciences Division has an opening for a Geochemical Field And Modeling Postdoctoral Scholar for Negative Emissions Technologies.

The Energy Geosciences Division at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory has an exciting opportunity for a postdoctoral researcher with a focus on silicate rock amendments for reduced methane emissions and increased carbon storage in rice fields. You will work on conducting lab experiments with rock amendments and applying multicomponent reactive transport modeling to problems related to enhanced weathering. Activities will specifically include collection, analyses and interpretation of various geochemical and hydrological data sets, including analysis of laboratory and field experiments. The overall goal of the project is to develop deployable reduced and negative emissions strategies to improve our climate future. Applications are due November 15th.

The full job posting is available here.