BCZN Lead PI Steve Holbrook co-author on study published in Nature


Posted: March 29, 2025

BCZN Lead PI Steve Holbrook co-author on study published in Nature

Congratulations to Team Bedrock Lead PI Dr. Steve Holbrook of Virginia Tech, who is a co-author on a study being published in the journal Nature on Thursday, March 24th 2022.

Holbrook, alongside colleagues from the U.S. Geological Survey and Aarhus University in Denmark, used subsurface geophysical and hydrological data collected via helicopter in Yellowstone National Park in order to create images of the subsurface “plumbing system”. Not much is known about Yellowstone subsurface processes - the majority of scientific knowledge at Yellowstone surrounds the surface features or deep tectonic and magmatic systems - so this study aims to start bridging that knowledge gap.

You can learn more about the paper and Dr. Holbrook here, and read the paper itself here.