Freshwater Flows: A Critical Factor in Salt Marsh Health

Big DataBig Data

Posted: March 12, 2025

Freshwater Flows: A Critical Factor in Salt Marsh Health

"Freshwater inputs play a critical role in shaping salt marshes, and their influence may be key to predicting how these ecosystems will fare in the future."

Salt marshes are unique ecosystems where land meets sea, providing essential services like storm buffering and carbon storage. Most research has focused on how tides and rising sea levels affect these wetlands, but recent studies are shedding light on another important factor: freshwater inputs from rain and groundwater.

A Fresh Take: Seasonal Changes in Terrestrial Freshwater Inputs Impact Salt Marsh Hydrology and Vegetation Dynamics, published in July 2024, describes how at Elkhorn Slough in California, scientists are exploring ways seasonal changes in freshwater flow impact salt marshes. In this region, wet winters bring more rain and groundwater, which saturates the marsh soils and lowers salinity. This creates favorable conditions for plant growth, especially in the upper and middle zones of the marsh. During the dry summer months, however, the tides take over, increasing salinity and shifting the balance of plant life.

This seasonal dance between freshwater and saltwater is crucial for the health of salt marshes. As climate change alters rainfall patterns and accelerates sea level rise, understanding this interaction becomes even more important. If freshwater inputs decrease due to drought or other factors, marshes may struggle to maintain their current structure and function.

The research at Elkhorn Slough highlights the need to look beyond tidal forces when studying coastal ecosystems. Freshwater inputs play a critical role in shaping these environments, and their influence may be key to predicting how salt marshes will fare in the future. Protecting these ecosystems requires a deeper understanding of all the factors at play, including the often-overlooked role of terrestrial water sources.

Read open access "A Fresh Take: Seasonal Changes in Terrestrial Freshwater Inputs Impact Salt Marsh Hydrology and Vegetation Dynamics"